Giving Options to Support Trinity UCC’s Ministry
Thank you for your support of the ministry of Trinity United Church of Christ. Listed below are a variety of was for you to provide tithes, offerings and gifts

Drop it off!
Drop off your tithes and offerings to the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Snail Mail
Mail your tithes and offerings to the church: Trinity United Church of Christ 400 West 95th St., Chicago, IL 60628
Access ACS
Access ACS/TrinityChicagoNet provides you with the ability to make one-time offerings, or scheduled offerings Go to www.trinitychicago.org, menu item: Connections
Secure Give
SecureGive© allows mobile giving access from within the Trinity UCC Mobile App and online. Download our mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Or go directly to the website: https://app.securegive.com/trinitychicago

Text-to-Give through SecureGive
Simply text to 855-781-8384 and enter a dollar amount. You will receive prompts to complete the transaction. Often this will be used for special circumstances (disaster relief, etc.). Once set up, you will be able to text offerings with one step.
First Fruits/ACH
This option allows you to deduct directly from your bank account on a schedule of your choice. To sign up, call 773-962-5650 and speak to a Member and Guest Services Team member.
Planter’s Society
Make a long-term investment in our ministry through our endowment program. Please print out form, fill in information requested, sign, and drop off at member services, send to:
Trinity UCC – Endowment Committee
400 W. 95th Street Chicago, IL 60628 OR email to endowment@trinitychicago.org